Delighting in the truth, goodness, and beauty of God (doxological)
Students are trained to delight in the Lord first and foremost by delighting in who God is in and of himself, not as we make him out to be. Only when students discover the truth of God that culminates in Christ can they truly delight in God. Only when students see that the source of every good and perfect gift comes from God can they truly delight in God. Only when students see the glory of God in the face of Jesus can they be attracted to the beauty of God. God sets the absolute standard of truth in the Scriptures, God is in control of all things, bringing all things together for the good of those who love him, and God is the artist who reveals his beauty in nature and history.
Integrating A Christian worldview with every subject (theological)
At Veritas, all subjects are taught under the premise that all knowledge is interconnected in Christ to form a coherent worldview. Facts and causes are connected with its purpose . Each subject is integrated as much as possible with the other subjects. In each subject, students are encouraged to ask the deepest and most important questions of life, constantly applying what they learn to the most mundane aspects of their lives.
Developing Critical Thinking Skills (cognitive)
Logic is taught under the worldview that everything is connected with each other, and ultimately to the lordship of Christ, the logos. God is a God of order, and God reveals his truth, goodness, and beauty through logic. Students are taught to discern, analyze, and synthesize facts in grammar, math, language, history, and science. Facts in nature support and complement God’s revelation in his Word. The Quadrivium, or the natural sciences, is truly developed only in the larger context of the Trivium, or humanities, with philosophy and history informed by a Christian perspective.
Cultivating a Christ-honoring culture (moral, cultural)
God calls parents to “bring up your children in the paideia of the Lord” (Eph 6:4), where paideia refers to a comprehensive training of a student to enjoy and honor God through all aspects of our culture. At school, students are first trained to love God in worship, in study, in recreation, and in their relationship with one another. This is accomplished in the classroom, as well as outside the classroom through the House System, field trips, soirees (etiquette training), field days, retreats, and mentorship from various teachers. Students are trained to humble themselves, honor one another, and to speak the truth in love.
Building a community of God (social)
For a complete education, students must practice what they learn. This takes place in the context of God’s community. Students grow along with the maturity of their community. According to God’s blueprint for building his people (Eph 2-6), Christ’s community is built up beginning with the local churches, and continue in families, in marriage, in the bringing up of their children in the Lord, and in our work. This is why Veritas emphasizes parent involvement, parent education, and the parent-teacher partnership in the education of their children.
Discipling through mentorship (discipleship)
Mentorship (or apprenticeship) is the means by which “a way of life” or the paideia of the Lord is passed down from generation to generation. While a Christ-centered community is necessary to provide the support, context, and goal of growth, a student grows in knowledge, wisdom, and virtue first and foremost through individual teacher/staff mentors. Real education is not so much taught but caught, as the student observes, imitates, and discusses with the teacher about the truth.